Data & 分析

平台. 工程. 洞察力.


Moser在客户使用数据技术的各个阶段与客户合作. mg官方游戏中心设计、实现和管理
data systems that deliver accelerated and actionable insights our clients need to be competitive in today's fast-moving business environment.





Explore our 3 part series going deep into data management issues, ideas and thought leadership. 或者学习更多关于一般数据管理的知识.


Discover how more efficient data management could transform your business and compare in-house, 作为服务, 以及按需数据管理选项. Businesses benefit from consistently updated, monitored, and maintained services.


你的公司有良好的数据管理基础吗? Take a look at all the different tools needed in data management and how they should work together as an effective system. 

If you smell smoke when looking at your data, your business will soon be on fire. 

The data management and analytics industry is worth nearly $275 billion and is crucial for operating an organization.

Harness the power of data analytics technology and make informed decisions quickly. Modernize your business approach with a data-oriented strategy for finding success. 看看Moser的蜂窝产品能为你做些什么.


  • 现代数据平台解决方案架构与开发

  • ELT/ETL数据工程

  • 维度/语义层建模

  • 可视化和分页报表开发

  • 高级分析模型设计和开发

  • 操作数据库支持

  • 数据治理/合规评估和程序开发

  • 虚拟CIO/CDO/CDAO服务


Moser通过三种模式为客户提供服务:咨询服务, 专业服务, 和托管服务


Our Moser Consultants have experience in helping organizations in the process of modernizing their data platforms. Moser can play a role in the design and development of a Modern Data 平台 Architecture with a vendor agnostic approach. We believe a solid data platform architecture can be achieved with most vendor toolsets. mg官方游戏中心的解决方案包括云、本地和混合解决方案. mg官方游戏中心已经使用了供应商特定的和开源的工具集. mg官方游戏中心的解决方案包括数据采集, 数据存储, 数据可用性, 数据安全, 数据治理, 和表示层工具.


Our Moser Consultants have extensive experience in developing ELT/ETL capabilities in both on-premises and cloud platforms. mg官方游戏中心有成熟的框架和设计模式,提供可扩展性, 可见性, 以及组织想要利用的大多数平台的弹性. Our frameworks address data quality, data validation, data velocity, and data volume challenges.


Our Moser Consultants have much experience in developing physical and logical data models to help facilitate the availability and delivery of data in performant ways. The understanding of Dimensional Models and the different facets that may comprise a Semantic Layer are key differentiators in most analytical environments. Leveraging the right techniques to accomplish the goals desired is instrumental to the success of any Dimensional/Semantic Layer in each organization. 拥有管理缓慢变化的维度的可靠技术, 事务/快照的事实, 符合尺寸, 数据集市, 和OLAP/立方技术.


Our Moser Consultants have years of experience in the development of traditional Paginated Reports and modern Visual/Dashboard Reports. Our design patterns include concepts such as Human Centered Design and Data Story Telling techniques to translate data into information and communicate effectively to an audience. mg官方游戏中心在各种工具集和数据库环境中都有经验.


Our experience in developing Advanced 分析 Models ranges from using IoT sources for Streaming 分析/Real-Time Dashboard workloads to Machine 学习 models replicating 20 years of business logic with a 95% accuracy rating. We can identify Robotic Process Automation (RPA) opportunities within an organization and deploy process to improve organizational efficiency.


Moser开始将数据库工作作为mg官方游戏中心业务的核心, 和数据库管理, 调优, 数据架构仍然是mg官方游戏中心工作的重要组成部分. We have worked with a variety of Relational Database Engines and NoSQL Engines with database ranging in purpose from ERPs, 世界媒体峰会, Web应用程序, 还有更多. mg官方游戏中心帮助组织审查和评估他们当前的安全性, 表演, 高可用性, and Business Continuity postures with recommendations and remediation strategies.


Moser熟练的建筑师不仅提供设计和建筑, 但所有解决方案都将考虑数据治理和合规性. We perform assessments of current state and provide implementation plans for existing or new governance programs. Moser can assist in the implementation of tools and processes to support governance initiatives.


The experienced Principal and Executive consultants at Moser have a long history of assisting C-Suite and Senior 领导 with a myriad of situations ranging from aligning Business Strategies to IT/Data Strategies. Having these experiences allows us to offer organizations the opportunity to leverage us to help develop and execute technology strategies aligned with your organization’s vision, 任务, 以及商业策略.


数据概述 & 分析功能


The Moser Public Profile is curated by Data Visualization Engineers and Information Designers to showcase visually appealing dashboards that effectively communicate key insights using visual elements specializing in the data visualization tool Tableau. Moser's Tableau public profile aims to present a wide array of dashboards to show both Tableau's amazing visualization capabilities, as well as our data visualization engineers skills to make dynamic dashboards for a variety of industries and topics.

mg官方游戏中心一直在寻找顶尖的IT专业人士. 体验屡获殊荣的文化在莫泽!


请收听mg官方游戏中心关于定义数据的播客 & 分析策略!

s1:定义数据 & 分析策略-经验教训和mg官方游戏中心方法的演变

莫泽的两个顶级数据 & 分析专家讨论如何定义组织的数据 & 分析策略和mg官方游戏中心方法的起源.
